So what’s been happening in the life of the Village idiot, Stress levels still high but have not had chance to go and test my friends rifle again this week .
Sad news this week is that friends Rob and Heloise are splitting up and leaving Clarens. Good hardworking people that have tried heir best to make a go of living here and surely a couple that this village will miss. Guys we are sorry to hear the news but know tat we love you both and wish you all the best.
Wrote exam this week, its for a health and safety course that I am doing, did not do that well in the first exam ‘lets just say I passed”, so hopefully pride will be restored and I will have done better this time. Hopefully when I get to PE I can find work in this line, but let’s see, as at the moment the way my luck is going it probably wont happen and I will end up working at Mc Donald’s as the Grillers mate he’s the dude that fries the onions and on special occasions slices the Gherkins
On way back from the Holy City on Tuesday (approx 5pm) the view across the valley towards Clarens was absolutely breathtaking the sun was shining just right and the mountains looked majestic with the peaks seeming to stand out, I don’t even think taking a photo would have captured its beauty, only those who have witnessed or experienced the same scene will understand what I am talking about.
Steelwings were here this weekend Wolverine and I are knackered with a capital K, it was a pretty good weekend. I missed the Bok / French game but believe I did not miss much,
Quote for the week: Remember when Sex was safe and Motorbikes where dangerous
Have a great week
The Village Idiot
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