May Old Acquantance

May Old Acquaintance
Stephen Dunkley

“Names and companies have been changed to protect the innocent”

Had an action packed week, with myself and Kathleen being fired from the local magazine and Tania resigning her job with a company, also owned by Godfrey due to him pressurising her at work, well Godfrey and his wanna be squeeze “the small man”, (“actually that sounds like a movie “Godfrey and the small man”.) Will be sorry, as it is their loss

So what led up to these dramatic events that saw 3 good friends being cast aside by the very person they stood by when his life partner of numerous years left him and left only a letter to say “Adios Amigo” To make a long story short we have not been fawning all over and sucking up to “small man” who was surprise made editor of the local magazine and made a HUGE “shall we say Blaps” and when it was pointed out that a standard five child could see the mistakes and that it was K-K, offence was taken. Anyway what is done is done, there are other plans afoot so that Kathy and I can still wrote for our 4 fans and who knows maybe a new magazine will rise from the ashes. Was nice to see the support of locals who feel that Godfrey has lost the plot. We did get a couple of good laughs out of this though and we may have a couple of T-shirts made

Sixty two does not go in to thirty four or “small mans” wise words that I am sure would have Confucius looking over his shoulder “We are born, we live and we die, but not always in that order”

So on to knew things what else was the village up to this week, the tunnel is coming on and we should have some radishes soon, we are also looking to start making compost. “The red headed stepchild” had a party braai on Saturday and we had one two many Jagermeisters. Looks like Dave and Barbara have sold their house and will be looking for a new one. Rugby was not to bad this weekend with a few decent results and the Proteas took cricket lessons after the 2 test defeats and they seem to have paid of with them looking like winning the 3rd test, however that has not been finalised as yet.

So nothing else to report, have a great week

1 comment:

  1. Now that was an interesting read. Much more politically correct than mine, but then again that was a completely different story. Keep up the writing Mr. Dunkley, I enjoy the read :D

    The Better Man


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